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Tips From Science

Natural skin care techniques during winter

Natural skin care techniques during winter

During winter your skin gets exposed to the effects of the cold & dryness; it may require a change in our skin care routine. So in this article we are explaining some of the natural skin care techniques that keep your skin fresh and soft. Keep your skin, hair and nails f ...

How to smoothen your hair?

How to smoothen your hair?

Every woman wants to have smooth, silky and healthy hair whether it is short, long, curly or straight. Smooth and shiny hair always gives best impression. Naturally the outer layer of the hair will be containing oil which helps to keep your hair moist and shiny. When you use ...

How to delay or reduce skin wrinkles

How to Delay or Reduce Skin Wrinkles

Wrinkles occur as part of the natural aging process. This affects the tissues of skin and makes them very thin, because of this tissues breakdown and you look older. Wrinkling in the skin is promoted by habitual facial expressions, sun damage, smoking, poor hydration, sudden ...

Best Natural Home remedies for cough

Best Natural Home remedies for cough

Coughing is perfectly normal. It is a natural response for irritation or a blocked airway. It helps in keeping your throat clear from phlegm and other irritants. However, continuous coughing can also be a warning for number of conditions such as allergy, viral infection and ...

Top Home remedies for Frizzy Hair

Top Home remedies for Frizzy Hair

Summer is the best season to travel, go to beaches, and play around and to do many more activities. But sometimes humid air can take out all the fun. Frizzy hair is one of the main affects in summer season as your hair becomes insufficient of moisture and oil, which makes ha ...

Face Washing Tips and Mistakes

Face Washing Tips and Mistakes

Washing face may look simple, by just splashing some water to your face, rub in a little cleanser and rinse. But to get a soft and nourishing skin on your face you need to take little care for your skin. Face cleansing is essential and it should be done in the right way. You ...