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Pricing Errors

We work hard to ensure the accuracy of pricing. Despite our efforts, pricing errors may still occur. If an item's price is higher than the price displayed, we will cancel your order of that item and notify you of the cancellation.

If the product delivered to you has a price on it which is lower than the price listed on our website and you have been charged a higher price then you need to send us a mail about the same with a Photographic proof, Oder ID number, Date of purchase & Product and quantity purchased  at

We will initiate a refund of the balance of the overcharged money and intimate to you.


Shopping Cart

Items in your Shopping Cart reflect the current price displayed on the item's product details page. Please note: This price may differ from the price displayed when the item was first placed in your Shopping Cart.

Our merchandise/service is offered for sale by by Matxin Labs Private Limited) for your personal enjoyment and not for resale. Therefore, we reserve the right to refuse to sell to any person whom we believe may be purchasing for resale.

Our Customer Service Specialists are ready to assist you,simply call:080 2520 3871 between 10.30 am and 6 pm from Monday to Saturday except on public holidays and company holidays.