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Tips From Science

How to beat arthritis with courage

Any pain and inflammation in and around the joint is called arthritis. Arthritis can affect people of any age from children to elderly. The commonest type of arthritis is called Osteoarthritis and it has been estimated that millions of people in India are suffering from oste ...

Benefits of Mitvana Mud Pack for Glowing Skin

Mud is an important element of mother nature and contains important elements which have positive effects on the health of all human beings. When applied on the face, it cools and relaxes our body because it can hold moisture for a long period of time. Regular application of ...

Treat your dry skin with knowledge

Treat your dry skin with knowledge

Dry skin persons should never use ordinary tap water. The Tap water contains too many deposits are too drying on the skin. Persons with dry skin should always avoid hot water for both washing the face and during bathing. For washing the face they should always use mineral wa ...

oily skin

Oily Skin – Handle It With Knowledge And Courage

Robert Abuckle et al. Health & Quality Life Outcome, 2008. Oily skin is a common condition affecting men and women, typically between puberty and about 60 years of age. It is characterized by the production of a quantity of sebum which is excessive for the age and sex of ...

Breast Feeding

Breast Feeding: The Ultimate Natural Vaccine

According a report published in an American journal, more than 3 million children under the age of five die of undernutrition every year and only one simple solution can save the life of at least 50% children and that is Breastfeeding. During this research it was observed th ...

online herbal products

How to keep your Memory Sharp when you Age

As we grow older, we all start to notice some changes in our ability to remember things. For example you have gone into your kitchen and can’t remember why, or can’t recall a familiar name during a conversation or you may even miss an appointment because it slipp ...

Manage Stress

Manage Stress A key to Healthy living

Manage Stress and Lead Healthy Life Naturally Although we may not be able to completely eliminate stress in our lives, some measures can be taken to relief our body from the damaging influence of stress. One should reduce consumption of some of the stimulants like caffeine a ...

How to Protect Your Immune System

How to Protect Your Immune System

Our immune system is the most complex system of the body. This includes a vast net work of glands and cells like thymus gland, bone marrow, spleen and a large number of lymph glands. This also includes our white blood cells, natural killer cells that continuous work and dest ...