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How to identify your skin type?

How to identify your skin type?

Skin is the largest and the most complex organ in our body. Therefore one should take utmost care of skin and to do that one needs to know the type of skin he/she has and type of care they should take to keep skin health in perfect condition. One should not only know the skin type he/she has but also the type of changes the skin undergoes in various seasons. Just because they have dry or oily skin, using various cleansers and chemical treatments can cause more harm than understanding the changes in skin texture in various seasons. While harsh cleansers can remove oiliness, they can signal to skin to produce more oily, thick chemical lotions and creams can inhibit natural oil production in the skin, resulting in even drier skin. Therefore one should fully understand the type of skin they have and the prefect treatment for the same resulting in healthier and vibrant skin texture.  Although the skin types can be broadly divided into dry, normal and oily, everyone’s skin is unique and should be evaluated individually.  Here are two easy ways to determine your skin type at home:

The bare faced method

This is one of the easiest methods to check your skin type: Firstly wash your face with water and then apply a mild cleanser. Wash it and pat dry. Leave the skin as such and do not apply any creams or moisturizer. Examine your face that includes forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin after half an hour. If the skin feels tight, it could be dry skin. If your forehead and nose is shiny then you have a combination skin and if you entire face like cheeks, chin and forehead is oily then you have an oily skin.

The Blotting sheet method

This is an excellent method to differentiate between oily and dry skin. Take a piece of blotting paper and pat it on your face gently. Hold this against light to check the amount of oil it has. However, if there is no trace of oil then you have a dry skin. If the oil is visible around forehead and nose then you have combination skin.  Finally, if the paper is saturated with oil then it is likely that you have oily skin. Now stand in front of a mirror and look at the pore size of your face. Skin Pores: If your skin is normal then the pores will be visible. Now you take a few steps back from the mirror, if you can still see your pores then you have an oily skin and if you can’t then you have a dry skin. However, if you have more than one pore size on you face then you have a combination skin. Now pinch your skin, and if your skin wrinkles then you have a dry or combination skin but if the skin remains smooth then you have an oily skin.

Combination skin:

If your skin pores are large and often clogged around the nose but are small and unnoticeable on the cheeks and other areas of the face, this is a sign of combination skin.

Sensitive skin: 

People with sensitive skin often have normal to large pores, but it will depend on the day and if a reaction to a product or other irritant has occurred.

Normal skin: 

For people with normal skin, their pores are usually unnoticeable.

Oily skin: 

People with oily skin often struggle with large pores that get easily clogged from sweat and oils the body secretes. If you are skin is oily and suffering from prone use Mitvana skin care product for oily ace prone skin which helps to reduce pimples makes your face oil free.

Dry skin: 

People with dry skin typically have small pores that often feel tight. If you noticed that your skin is dry skin then use Mitvana body butter for very dry skin  which makes your skin soft and moist and prevents water loss and skin irritation.

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