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Natural Beauty tips for men

Natural Beauty tips for men

Guys are a little shy when it comes to beauty related problems. While women being the dominants in the beauty industry, it’s important for men to take care of their skin and physical appearance. With basic personal upkeep, men can look and feel very confident. As the beauty tips for girls are most common, the grooming tips for men are still a little uncommon. While the expensive beauty routine can be over-whelming, there are still alternatives that you guys can try.

Here are some top listed natural beauty options which can be integrated into any guy’s daily routine that will result in long term benefits.


Shaving helps to soften and exfoliate your skin while creating a well groomed appearance. To make your beard smooth before shaving, loosen it with hot water and apply a moisturizer before applying shaving cream. Shaving foam sits on top of the skin while moisturizer absorbs into the skin. After applying shave cream, shave using short strokes to ensure more blade coverage and a smoother shave. After shaving, rinse the face with lukewarm water and then rinse it with cold water to tighten skin. Use Mitvana after shave face wash which helps to moisten the face after shave and its anti-inflammatory properties reduces the skin burning.


Exfoliating your skin is another simple way to keep your skin looking clean and clear. It helps to remove dead skin cells, embedded dirt and oils that can clog the pores. If you have a breakout prone skin, this is very important as it brings out all the oil to the surface, allowing it to be treated before the spots are formed. Also, don’t forget to exfoliate your skin after weekend activities such as yard work, auto repairs or playing sports. You can also use Mitvana Oil control face wash for men to remove excess oil from skin and reduce acne.

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Use sunscreen

The most defensive cream you can use against wrinkles and environmental skin damage is sunscreen. Keep your skin protected by applying a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15, around 30 minutes before going to the sun to allow it to absorb to the skin.

Minimize wrinkles

Keeping your skin moisturized will help a lot to minimize and prevent wrinkles. But to have youthful skin, the real key feature is through your diet. You should first list out what is good to your skin and what is not.

Not to eat:
  • Meat and dairy products age your skin. You don’t need to completely cut off meat, eat no more than once per day and go for, organic food.
  • Coffee and caffeinated tea can dehydrate your skin, try to skip it.
  • Eating sugar and artificial sweeteners also age your skin. Instead use raw honey in your foods.
What to eat:
  • Cabbage contains tons of vitamins: Vitamin C and some of Vitamin A which help to detoxify the blood and fibre helps to push waste and toxins out of the body. Toxins in your body make you look older than you are.
  • To get rid of nasolabial folds, use organic pears and eat the skin because that’s where the anti-ageing nutrients are.
  • Water vegetables not only make your skin look youthful and radiant, they also help in hydration.

Keep your teeth bright

Smile is one of your most winning features. All your efforts may be ruined if you have yellow teeth and bad breath. Pay close attention to gums and brush and floss regularly. Don’t skip your visits to dentist and be sure to clean your teeth regularly with whitening tooth paste.

Last but not the least, eat well! Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water can drastically affect the way you look. Your food choices help you to look better and hold back the signs of ageing. Also, always opt for natural home remedies and herbal and Ayurvedic products for your skin problems, as these products don’t have any side effects and don’t harm your skin.

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