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How to get rid of facial hair?

How to get rid of facial hair?

Every woman has a desire to look best among all, she wants to stand out in crowd with her beautiful & smooth face. But for every woman unwanted hair on the face is the biggest nightmare. Growth of facial hairs is natural it is due to hormones. However, excess hair growth on neck, chin, on the upper lips & other parts on your face is embarrassing when you step out of the home this brings down your confidence level. Facial hair can be annoying for some people, but getting rid of unwanted hair is easy. It depends methods which you choose, you can get rid of hair for days, weeks, or months. You can try out the below mentioned remedies;

Egg White Mask

Try this egg mask to reduce the excessive facial hair growth. Eggs are full of protein as it is sticky it helps you to peel the excess growth off. Take the egg white in a bowl and add a tablespoon of cornstarch and sugar. Keep stirring until you get a smooth mixture. Apply the paste on your face uniformly, and let it stay for 15 to 20 minutes. Once the mask dries, peel it off quickly. Rinse your face with cold water after peeling.

Sugar and Lemon Face Mask

Take a mixture of 2 tablespoons of sugar & add 2 tablespoons of fresh lime juice and a 9-10 teaspoons of water. Heat the mixture, and set it aside to cool down a bit. Don’t heat the mixture in high pressure. Start applying the paste on the places wherever there is excessive facial hair & let it to dry. After 15-20 minutes rinse t off with cold water.

Lemon And Honey

Take a bowl and add 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of organic honey, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, and heat the mixture until it becomes paste. Once the mixture is cooled take the paste and apply it on the affected areas. Grab a waxing strip and pull the hair out in opposite direction.

 Potato and Lentil

Extract the juice from potato by smashing them while in the other side drain the water in which the lentils were soaked and grind the lentils until you acquire a smooth paste. Add the potato juice, honey and lemon to this paste. Apply the mixture on the affected areas and let it sit for 15-20 minutes until it dries out.

 Papaya and Turmeric 

Just peel the raw papaya and cut it into small pieces & grind them into a fine paste and add a tablespoon of turmeric powder & mix well. Massage the paste it on to the parts and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Wash it off with cold water. You can try out the above natural remedies for best results. But these home remedies won’t give instant results as these are natural remedies they take time to show its results.  If you are looking for instance results then you can try of waxing, threading & also many face care products, herbal care products, ayurvedic products online which gives you best results. There are many peel of masks available in shops with which you can get rid of facial hair easily at home.

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